Two Giant Onions
by Linda Eve Diamond
Two giant onions
sat quietly
beside each other.
They seemed to be
in bad shape, not much
in common otherwise.
Sure, they were both
onions, but different
colors, origins and tastes.
People passed over them
as they didn’t look crisp,
but soft, old and tired.
They sat together quietly,
in a long, breezy shadow,
on a quaint little bench.
(Did I mention that
they were in a park?)
After a while they seemed
to begin conversing, then
one began to tremble.
It appeared one onion
was trying to open up
as the other leaned in.
Then the layers began
to peel away, revealing
the shy hint of a smile.
Now both onions were
trembling—were they
laughing? Or crying?
Or both? They seemed
to be warming up,
taking off some layers
revealing their eyes,
their ears, their mouths,
and their essential humanity.
Now they’re touching,
holding hands, walking
toward another onion…
approaching me gently,

asking if I’d like to talk,
offering to listen…
"Two Giant Onions" first appeared in The Art of Listening: An Anthology of Listening-Themed Poetry and Visual Arts (Listeners Unite, December 2023, Linda Eve Diamond, ed.), a free digital collection available at