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In the pages of THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE (ASJA Press, 2007) you’ll find an artist rendering life in a small cube, a poem about you and me, a pleasant day in hell, old fashioned lovers in kodachrome colors, a gifted apostrophe, a contemplative clown, an ape man, a little thief, and more characters who share this condition of ours—this brief, miraculous, frightening, enlightening human condition. 



“Humor is a strong element in Diamond's poems, an attribute that makes any poetry book more user friendly.”   - KAY DAY, The Writer,, “Crossing Genres from Journalist/Author to Poet,” March 22, 2007

The Human Experience

Poetry Collection

"You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. 

You are a spiritual being having a human experience."

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Human Experience
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